Monday, December 24, 2007

Car trip

Yesterday, we drove to Ohio for the Christmas holiday. The trip went somewhat smoothly, considering the 7 hour journey. However, it rained the entire way. On one stop, the kids and I ran through the puddles to go the bathroom in gas station. While we waited for the large stall, Caden and Alyssa took turns yelling down into the platic 'wet floor' caution cone, and picking up pieces of toilet paper off the floor and throwing them away. Then, once in the stall, they stomped in the mysterious puddle on the floor, and played in the wastebasket. Then on the way out, Alyssa wiped her wet hands all over the bowl of the sink and Caden dried his hands on a used papertowel that was sticking out of the garbage can. At least this time, Alyssa did not put her mouth on the toilet seat like a previous trip to Walmart. I could not come up with warnings fast enough for everything they thought to do. Like, should I have said, please don't put your lips on the toilet seat? Honestly. I haven't noticed any symtoms of mysterious diseases yet, however...

When we were perhaps 45 minutes from my parents house, I looked back at Caden and realized he was throwing up! I screamed, "Shann, he's throwing up!" So Shann whipped the car to the side of the road, jumped out to get baggies, and I jumped into the back seat to catch anything forthcoming. Caden seemed to just be sitting there in a surprised daze. Turns out, he decided to stick his fingers down his throat, you know, just to see what would happen! No, not sick. Just bored. Vomit all over his car seat buckles, straps, and clothes. After we cleaned him up with wipies, he was not allowed to talk. Shann was, shall we say, fuming. So remainder of the trip, was spent trying to keep our own stomachs at peace what with the stench. Its a good thing he wasn't bored at the beginning of the trip.

Oh the joys of traveling with kids.
Merry Christmas.


Anonymous said...

You have me laughing.. because I can relate! Man! Good stuff..great memories... nice bribery for when they are stories not to tell the boy/girl friend.
Christie in Az

Chelle said...

Hmmm. . . projectile vommiting in the car. Brings back memories of our trip down to the Outerbanks. Except we had two kids vomitting. . . be glad you were in the Michalaks car (just ask Jay & Amy)!

Anonymous said...

Thankfully we have not had a puking-in-the-car incident yet. Ugh. I was cringing when I read your bathroom experience though. I'm a little germophobic when it comes to public restrooms. My refrain to Lily when we're in one is "Don't touch ANYTHING!" What am I going to do when I have a curious little boy in there with me too? I should buy stock in Purell.

Anonymous said...

Ha, I loved this story! :) I laughed so hard because I can easily picture it all happening! OK, next time we take the kids somewhere, remind me NOT to volunteer to take my car! :)