Friday, May 16, 2008

3 in 1

So Caden is totally confused by the Trinity. I'm content to not understand, but he cannot let it rest. I tried to describe it to him recently with the egg analogy - 3 parts, but still 1. I'm afraid the egg didn't help, as now he is also saying, "How is Jesus a layer in an egg?" A frequent question is "How can Jesus be God, AND God's son?" He also seems to think that Noah is part of the Trinity - I guess because of the long beard in the pictures? I keep telling him Noah was just a guy that obeyed the Lord, but it seems stuck in his brain.

Everyone has to come to grips with not understanding things perfectly sometime in their faithwalk. On this side, I don't think we're meant to get every mystery.
But to a 4 year old sponge who wants to know it all, the fact that he may never understand is the hard concept to explain.


Staci Landis said...

Oh, that is too funny. Nice try with the egg. :-) Isn't that amazing how our attempts at explaining things can sometimes complicate thing even more? I love that now he thinks there's an "egg" somewhere in the trinity equation. haha.

Anonymous said...

Sarah, the first layer of understanding is probably misunderstanding. He is trying to deal with the concept. Lord, give him spiritual eyes! Mom