Thursday, October 2, 2008


Many of you know the event that is going to the beach with children. All the gear that is needed: sunscreen, toys, towels, umbrellas, blankets, coolers, etc. etc. Neither Shann nor I are beach lovers. I like the idea of it more than being there I think. Salty, dirty, sunny, sandy, sharky. I'll probably like it better when our kids are older. Anyway, we packed it all up and headed down one morning while on vacation. As soon as we got there, Caden went in the water up to his waist. Immediately, he started crying - the salt water was burning his thighs due to some chafing that was happening. So Poppy took him up the pool to rinse off while Grammy walked 1/2 mile back to the cottage to get cream for him. After he and Poppy got back and the cream came, we had a few moments of fun.
Mucky feet. :)
We created a forest in which cars could wreck and dinosaurs could maraud. So fun.
After this fun wore off, Alyssa kept voicing her desire to "go to the other pool". So with Shann's view of beaches in general (see below), we decided to pack it up and go to the pool.
Fun ride back to the cottage in the golf cart! Yay, we're done!

1 comment:

Lynne said...

I knew Shann had a shark fear thing going, but I had no idea you two were so down on beaches! Are you sure you're interested in Sanya?! :-)