Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Down the Drain

Last night while Shann was helping Caden get ready for bed, Caden kept turning the water on and off, sort of playing with it, and wasting it. So Shann explained that we pay for all the water coming into the the tubs, toilets and sinks. All the water we use, we have to pay for. And the more water we waste, the less money we have to do fun things, like going out to eat, and buying toys.
Caden looked at Shann, clearly flabbergasted by this new information, and said, "Does Mom know?"
So I'll now have my very own water police. Super.


Lynne said...

Just what you needed! :-)

Five Rocking Chairs said...

And yet this clearly explains why you don't waste water cleaning the counter tops... maybe he'll make the connection and think you to be a genius:)