Thursday, April 30, 2009

Last Evening

The evening before we left, we went out to an italian (!) restaurant and walked along this beautiful waterfront. Called the Bund, along this river are many European style buildings. You might think you're in England for a few seconds.
Shann had to get a picture of something familiar! Although they have bean pies instead of apple!
Cold Stone Creamery. I tasted Red Bean ice cream. Not bad, but I probably wouldn't buy a half-gallon.
The can-opener can sort of see it at the top... and Caleb and Seth.

The TV boat.

TV buildings

Pearl tower - well known building in the Shanghai skyline.

Thanks Lynne and Scott for a fantastic trip. We had a such a great time, and will have memories for a lifetime. We enjoyed some yummy food and some mildly odd food, the unusual sites, great massages, bikerides, gardens, shopping, touring, watching the Office at night, and most of all actual face-to-face conversation.

I love you, sister! Looking forward to living on the same continent as you someday! :)

1 comment:

Five Rocking Chairs said...

Thanks so much for sharing your trip through pictures! It's been fun to follow your exciting journey.