Monday, December 27, 2010

Armor of God

In Caden's Tuesday morning Bible Study class, they made the armor of God...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas pictures

a quick look back at the Christmas pictures we've sent in the last couple years...

skipped a year here...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Little Boy, Big T

Caden and Alyssa love to pretend that they're puppies in the pound, and that I come in to adopt them. On this particular day, Alyssa is a Yorkie, and Caden is a Pomeranian puppy ("because they're so cute and fluffy").
But then wait, it turns out the Pomeranian is an inventor puppy. He's just made a huge gun, which he uses to strike fear into the hearts of those nearby. And then the invention is taken to another level. The puppy adds a grappling hook to the end. Everyone in the pound is afraid of the baby Pom and they are just begging someone to take him away so their pound can be safe again.

I try to play along, but I'm at a little bit of a loss as to how to care for a cute and fluffy puppy with a gun.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thanksgiving highlights..

Playing "old maid" with Grandma is always a highlight (we're still working on the poker face when one draws the Old Maid). Seeing my Grandma Nancy...
Helping decorate Grandma and Grandpa's tree
Isaac finds a new toy...or does Mark find an old one?

Aunt Mindy, Isaac, Grandma and the kids and I went downtown to see some sights... it was a bit chilly.
Bruce the talking Spruce

Camp Gingerbread
Gingerbread Mansion
Train ride through Tower City

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Another Day, another issue

Most recent issue for which I have no answer: Hyperactive Gag reflex.
The first recent occurence was 2 days ago. We had a play group over including 7 additional children and 2 moms. Caden noticed a baby sucking on a wooden block. Then it was set down in his sight, he started gagging, and then threw up in a corner of the kitchen. I found him still gagging and put him out on the patio until he could get under control. Really.
Tonight: a sour taste was left in his mouth after having chewed his vitamin. He started gagging, and threw up in the sink. I admit I smacked his bottom while this was happening tonight. It just seems ridiculous. Any ideas?