Sunday, November 25, 2018


Coming out of the bathroom having dripped on himself, Malachi announced: "Somebody peed on me!  I think it was Caden!"

"Alyssa, I am so proud of you."

"Mom, you're a genius."

"Caden, you are jealous, and you don't believe me."  We're pretty sure he doesn't know what any of this means. :)

A couple of months ago, Malachi and Shann went to Walmart to buy something for the car. He has not stopped talking about it. "I go with dad, and we sing songs!"  He's also started saying that he goes to work with dad. This could either be imaginary, or...he thinks Shann works at Walmart. 

Friday, November 16, 2018

Here I am, 2.5 years later. There have been many times I've written a blog post in my head, but never put words to the page because it had been too long, because of not being able to share sensitive information, and mostly because of fear of reading my emotions later if things with Malachi didn't turn out the way we hope.

But I'm here today because I can't let another sweet 4 year-old comment pass without recording it. And I've recently decided that regardless of the outcome, I'll want to remember how this little brain worked.

This one is simple.
Caden asked Kai this morning what he wants to be when he grows up.
He said "a giraffe".


I hope now that I've started again, that I'll return more frequently.