Friday, September 18, 2009

to the surface

I was on the worship team today. So a couple of days ago, Caden and I were listening (on youtube) to one of the songs I needed to learn. Its quite beautiful, called Revelation Song. Both of us were singing along with the pretty, young, talented worship leader. Caden commented on how pretty her voice was. Then he looked up at me and said "Mom, do you wish you had her voice?"

Immediately (and perhaps robotically) I said, "No, buddy, I'm thankful for the voice God gave me." And once that statement came out of my mouth, I felt it was really true. But I realized too, that before Caden's question, I'd been feeling sort of jealous. But the feeling was so subconscious that I wouldn't have voiced it, realized it, or admitted it!

Kids have a knack for bringing gunk to the surface. And I think God uses them to shine a light on our flaws so that we have to deal with them!

(But wow - even my adoring 5 year-old boy could tell her voice was prettier than mine? Ok, Lord, I know you hate pride. It was a good but painful lesson for me!)


Laura said...

I love how real you are Sarah!! And if you ever are not, Caden will keep you that way!!

Laura said...

I LOVE that song....