Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Grocery List

Caden wrote this grocery list and slipped it into my purse, swapping it out with the list I'd written. He was hoping that I wouldn't notice the change and buy all the fun things on this list. Go ahead, see if you can read it! I'm pretty sure no one in their right mind will have any clue as to the last 3 items, so I'm going to help you out. Caden could barely remember when I asked him. They are Imaginext (brand of toys), Zuzu puppies, and chocolate milk.
I feel like I did this as a kid. Maybe every kid gets this light bulb one day, writes a grocery list, and imagines all the candy their mom will bring home, not realizing that she really meant to buy supplies for broccoli soup and turkey spinach salad.


Lynne said...

Uncle Scott says Caden is definitely his father's son with a grocery list like that! :-)

Erin said...

Oh, I love it. That is so funny... I was able to make out all but the last three, thanks for the clarification. Points for effort. Did you at least buy him ONE of his requests?

Anonymous said...

That was great! I love it! The hopefulness of youth! Mom

Sarah Jane said...

No I didn't. I probably should have, but vacation is in a couple weeks, and they are allowed to pick their own cereal. We've been discussing this coming choice for weeks. :)