Monday, February 4, 2008

Lions, tigers, and bears...

Caden and I have talked about how if he sees something on TV that is scary, he should walk away or ask to have it turned off. This would really only happen if he is at someone else's house, please don't think we're watching CSI with him or something. Anyway, tonight, he asked me why he shouldn't watch scary things. So we talked about that, and he said, "but I like scary things." So I asked him what he thinks is scary. He listed dinasaurs, bears and gorillas.

Oh, innocent babe, how I wish you never had to learn about things scarier than gorillas.


Lynne said...

Yeah, I know you guys. You like shows like "Heros." I have tried to like it while Scott watches, but to no avail. I am sure my nephew will NEVER be exposed to this sort of thing! Tell him I like gorillas, but I agree that they are a little scary.

Today we were on a very fast, open boat. Gwen was somewhat afraid. Madelyn whispered to me, "I'm really a little scared too, but I'm pretending not to be." :-)

Anonymous said...

Mom said...
That is a good question...why should I have to watch scary things? Sometimes we do have a choice, othertimes, no