Tuesday, February 26, 2008

toys or Jesus?

Caden announced the other day that he loves his toys more than Jesus. I know he knew this wouldn't be recieved well. So I launched into explanations of stuff not being important, Jesus died on the cross for us to be able to live eternally, this would make Jesus feel sad, etc.
A day or two went by and he said this again. This time, he seemed sad when he said it.
Having had some time to think about this, and talk to some people about how I should respond, I said, "Caden, everything we have is from God. Jesus is glad you have toys that you love. Maybe when you think about how much you like your bear and your toys, you could thank Jesus that he gave them to you. But Jesus tells us that we need to love him more than anything else. This isn't easy, but that is how we need to live." So then he started crying..."I need to love Jesus more than my toys, but I don't!"
This made me think of my post about self-awareness. Maybe Caden is just more aware of - or more ready to admit- that he doesn't love the Lord more than anything else in his life. It can be so hard to love Jesus intensely when he isn't physically right in front of me. I have times when I feel really in love with the Lord, but do I feel that all the time? Its very easy to start focusing on the 'stuff' around us, as opposed to what is truly important.
Lord, I pray that you would continue to make yourself real to us!

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