Friday, June 13, 2008

Miscellaneous ways to stay patient

Yesterday, Caden and Alyssa changed and went in and out of our baby pool several times. We had clothes strewn about the house in varying stages of wetness from playing near the pool or drying swimming suits. I think they both fell into the pool in clothes sometime during the day.Then Alyssa 'did the dishes' for me for awhile, soaking her fresh dry outfit (and the floor).

Food and drink were spilled as well, although this is nothing exceptional.

While putting away the silverware, they had a fight about who should be saying 'I forgive you'.
"Me say 'I forgive you'"
"No, I say 'I forgive you'"
"No, me say 'I forgive you'"
etc., etc.

Then Alyssa got out of her bed during her nap and I found her diaperless, and trying on clothes from her dresser. A double spanking offense, one for getting out of her bed during nap, and one for removing her diaper. (A few days ago, I found her out of bed during nap time, and she was naked, except for pink patent leather shoes, And she had completely emptied the wipes one by one into the trash).
Well, when I came out of her room having dealt with her, Caden said to me,
"Little people are hard to work on, huh, mom."

You have no idea. :)

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