Thursday, December 10, 2009

Emotions and snow

Caden out in our first 3/10ths of an inch of snow this year. He really wanted Alyssa to come out with him, and she couldn't for various reasons. When I told him this, he said, "I'm downhearted". I'm not sure where he came up with that, but below is his 'downhearted' look.
Then he sat miserably on the step for awhile, occasionally throwing me this pathetic glance over his shoulder.
Lest I leave you feeling sorry for him, here is a minute later after I made a blowfish on the window.Though he tends toward the dramatic, I'm hoping one day, he'll be very good at talking about feelings with his wife. But I do hope he loses the sagging shoulders and the pitious face. Can't you just picture it? "Alice, I'm downhearted."


Anonymous said...

How does he know the word downhearted? Mom

Sarah Jane said...

He said he made it up!