Tuesday, April 6, 2010

In Polly's Garden

Grandma had hid about 35 eggs in the park behind our house, and we were about to begin the hunt, when a woman came up to us, and said "May I help you?" Turns out the "park" is her property, but she very nicely said we were welcome to it. She also introduced her huge black lab to us as "Polly".

Both counting to ensure fairness...

I think this went something like..."no, you already have 13, this is MY egg". The scene looks idyllic, but there was much nashing of teeth over who found how many.

I'm not sure what it is about these that makes them so desirable, since we promptly took them home for a dinner of Goldenrod Eggs. I guess its the thrill of the hunt.


Lynne said...

It does look idyllic! Let's just pretend it was. :-)

Anonymous said...

So funny a post! Even now, however, with a week distance, it does seem idyllic! Mom

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