Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Longwood Gardens

On my mom's birthday during her visit, we went to Longwood Gardens...what a gorgeous day. Why do flowers so speak to the soul? Most of the tulips weren't blooming yet, but we found this cheery patch doing well!

Caden and Alyssa know that trees give off oxygen, so they decided to get a good lung-full.

Caden took this picture of my mom, and I love it. Eyes open, genuine smile...

One lone tulip...the first to open of its kind. I could be longwinded about this, but I'm sure each of you can come up with some deeper meaning. Please leave your version in the comments section.

What a pretty flower!

Hide and seek amongst the topiaries.

Here, we sighed a collective, "Aaaaaah!"

Our feet needed the feel of the grass after much walking.


Ruth Buck said...

I had no idea you visited my backyard! It's gorgeous, but you should've let me know you were in town! ha! Goodness what a pretty place. All the stresses of the world must leave your mind at the entry and your senses filled with the goodness of earth and creation! Thanks for sharing.

Christie said...

I wanna go! Take me take me! Looks so awesome!

Anonymous said...

The flower pics turned out just a beautifully as they looked! My camera was on a fighter plane! Mom