Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Alyssa and the big man

This is a funny thing. I've never made a big deal at all about Santa. In fact, in years past, I've flat out said, 'Santa is fun to pretend about, but isn't real'. But yet every year, the kids seem to want to talk about whether or not he is real. I think they want to believe. While Alyssa and I stood in line to get her free picture taken with Santa following the Christmas parade in Creedmoor last weekend, she asked me about him. I said, 'well, look at him, he seems like a real guy'. She was so excited and nervous to talk to him.

Afterwards, she told me she asked him for an American Girl doll. And she said he was SO nice, and she l-o-v-e-s him. I'm so torn. I never wanted the kids to have a giant love for Santa. I want Christmas to be about Jesus. But in spite of several doubting things I've said this year, she really wants to believe. So be it for now.


Lynne said...

He IS a beautiful Santa, I must say.

Anonymous said...

I just laughed and laughed at the sight. Alyssa is a good age because she is not afraid. Mom