Thursday, December 20, 2007

Fatherhood - what's hard about that?

Caden has decided that he is ready to be a father. The other day he said he was ready, and then said "actually, mabye when I'm five". So I thought that showed a little maturity that he allowed as how maybe he isn't quite there yet. :)
He and Alyssa are frequently playing mommy and daddy to some little baby doll of ours. Lately, however, poor Alyssa has been made the Grandma. Not sure how this happened so quickly in her young life. So sad, isn't it? If only we'd seen it coming, and had gotten her into counseling or something. I think its because we'll be spending time with Grandparents over Christmas, and he can't wait for that - so he's decided Alyssa has to play Grandma so he can start the fun early.

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