Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mexico...phew, we're here!

I'm happy to report that Shann and I are finally here. Our trip was fraught with several trials, including a missed plane, me fainting in the check-in line, an ambulence called, sitting for hours waiting for the next plane to a different layover city than planned, arriving in Pheonix to be greeted by my Uncle Roy, thank the Lord, only to not recieve our luggage. After a great evening with Roy, back to the airport the next morning, to learn that my suitcase has gone to Bermuda while we slept. Easy trip to Mazatlan and to resort. Happily, I did have a swimming suit, a pair of shorts, and a toothbrush in my carry-on. I never realized how high maintenance I am! But I need a comb. I need eye-makeup. I really enjoy clean underwear. And its nice to change clothes sometimes. So when my suitcase arrived yesterday afternoon after I hadn't seen it in 2 and a half days, I nearly cried. Here are some pics of our first day. view from our room.

the tissues are fancy here!
We both lost the Monday bingo game...maybe tomorrow.

And to add some structure, we plotted out when we'll get the most benefit from our free-gifts-from-time-share-schpeels, including an all-inclusive meal plan, and some excursions. :)
More soon!


Unknown said...

loved seeing your parents and kids at the Outdoor Expo on Saturday. Sorry to tell you that your parents allowed them to put make up on their faces! Lions and tigers and bears. Oh my!

Anonymous said...

Great update! Your chart is impressive! Mom

Lynne said...

So glad you made it, and so glad your suitcase made it, too. :-) Have SUCH a great time together! Don't be afraid to stray off the chart if you need too... so funny!