Monday, May 3, 2010

The Party

I'm thinking maybe next year we'll have breakfast party. I think Saturday might've been the longest day on earth for Caden. When I finally let him put on his costume after the 50th time he asked, he sat outside waiting for arrivals... Then he sat inside waiting for arrivals...
Luckily he picked an simpler cake than Alyssa had. Daddy decorated all the little players and did the goal posts! So my job was pretty easy.
He asked all the kids to come in superhero costumes. Here are he and Alyssa before people came. Because it was about 85 degrees, no one stayed dressed for long. So I didn't get a picture of all the kids.
Directions for fair pinata play...
and a wind-up

Alyssa gets a try..
We soon abandoned the mask. It was hard enough to break the thing. You can see Lissy opted for a different costume at this point in the evening.
And after most of the candy had come out, the big boys had their fun.
The mad scramble...
And blowing out tea lights because I forgot to buy candles...
Happy Birthday, buddy!


Lynne said...

Happy Birthday, Cadster! Were the teddy football players delicious?

Anonymous said...

Dad said that he could just see Shann meticulously putting the jerseys on each player! It looked awesome! What a fun party! Mom

Ruth Buck said...

LOVE the cake!! especially the tea lights - adds a little romance to the occasion! ha! looks like a great time!

Anonymous said...

Your husband must really love you and your son to put all that effort into decorating those teeny-tiny bears. And the level of detail is amazing. What a talented and, from what I see in the pictures, ruggedly handsome guy. You are a lucky woman!