Sunday, May 30, 2010

Shelter Cove

Caden losing patience with pictures...
Every year at Hilton Head, we like to go listen to a guy named Shannon Tanner sing. He picks kids to come up and sing for the audience, and last year, Alyssa really wanted to do it, but she sat way over on the side, hardly looking at him, and was quite disappointed when she wasn't picked. As you can see, she was a little closer this year. She and Caden and I are on the right. Isaac was enthralled.
And did very well with the motions...this is 'green alligator'
more motions
Carol, Pat, Dad, Dave.
Uncle Ron and Aunt Carol
still motioning
Alyssa and Caden weren't too sure about being part of the kid crowd until they heard you could win free ice cream and a free toy for doing the best job in My Hair had a Party Last Night.
Messing up each other's hair is more fun!

Nobody won, but the process was great fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pics! I love the ones at the Neptune statue! Mom