Thursday, January 24, 2008

i love you

"MOM! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!" I heard this familiar warcry as I sat clenching my teeth down at the computer. We've been over this sooooooooo many times - Come and find me, I've said, please don't scream for me from another part of the house! I was right in the middle of something, so I yelled "What, Caden?" Yes, I know, not following my own rule.
"I love you!", he yelled.

What possessed him to yell this to me from upstairs? I don't know, but I realized perhaps we should all be more like this. Shann and I say it to each other often, but almost always in parting or as we're drifting off to sleep. How would Shann react if I yelled "I love you" to him from another part of the house in the middle of the day? Try it with someone you love. :)

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