Friday, April 24, 2009


Its not even 9am, and already we've had two major meltdowns. Help me, God.
Meltdown #1 was because I made Caden get dressed ("why are you always forcing me to do things?"). I'm not just saying he was displeased. He was angry and wailing ("This is a horrible day!"). I spanked him when he refused to get dressed, and left him alone, while I lost it in my bathroom. Then I came back to explain that God put me in charge and am allowed to "force" him to do things.
Meltdown #2 I poured milk on his cereal and he wanted it dry. He spent most of breakfast wailing in the living room about this. When he finally calmed down, I told him how he was making what could be a really fun day into a difficult day. He sincerely apologized, and ate calmly.
How long will you stay, oh my sweet and lovable Jekyll?


Staci Landis said...

It's tough. :-( Hang in there! Makenzie was the most pleasant, happy, balanced little girl...until she turned 4. She started having many Jekyll and Hyde moments. Which was really frustrating to us because she never was like that prior. :-( She still has her moments & she's 7. I hope it goes away (and have been hoping since she was 4!!!) but, have instead learned to "adapt" to it and do the best we can to help her be consistent in her behavior. Now, if the other 2 get like this...I may just lose my sanity!

On another note...I saw your brunette twin the other day when I was out to lunch. I wish I would have had my camera! But, what was more fascinating, wast that her persona and mannerisms were extremely similar to you as well. So, you have a twin in Wisconsin. :-)

Lynne said...

Poor little Hyde... hope the rest of the day went better!

Anonymous said...

I think most mothers can understand the frustration. Once, after a day thik this, alex asked me ," Is it hard to raise a child mom?". The frustration melted and I realized the obvious. He is a child, still finding his way. It is a hard charge for sure but the rewards are boundless in the end.